Welcome to the Faith Hope and Love Christian Ministries!

As a church and a pastoral staff, we are delighted that you’ve chosen to visit our site. We pray our Savior will use the content here to strengthen your walk with Him. Faith Hope and Love Christian Ministries (FHLCM) is different from many churches by design.  We have one primary aim: to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ by preaching the Word of God verse-by-verse.  Because of our desire to be true to that mandate, we emphasize the nine factors below:  

Expositional Preaching  *

We want to demonstrate, in context, what Scripture says and not use the Word as a platform for our own opinions.  

Biblical Theology  *

The very word “theology” frightens some people. However, everyone is a theologian. That is, you have a system of beliefs about God.  We want you to have the tools to fashion an understanding of God from His Word—that’s why He gave it to us.

Biblical Understanding of the Good News  *

It is frightening to us how fragile a grasp today’s church has on the Gospel.  We want to stress the Gospel so that our members can “do the work of ministry.”

Biblical Understanding of Conversion  *

Knowing how God saves and transforms lives is key to living your Christian walk.

Biblical Understanding of Evangelism  *

Every Christian has an obligation to share the good news!  

Biblical Understanding of Membership  *

Church membership matters and is biblical.

Biblical Church Discipline  *

If the Lord commands it, and He does, how dare His church disobey?

Promotion of Christian Discipleship and Growth  *

We value the interpersonal relationships that develop in the Body and believe they are instrumental in helping individual Christians to mature in Christ.

Biblical Understanding of Leadership  *

We believe these to be the Biblical “ingredients” of a healthy church – one that can assist you in growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Many churches have as their emphases – programs and property, however, we want to have the same priorities as the Lord Himself did during His ministry – people and principles.  We want to provide for the genuine needs of people: the accurate teaching of the Word of God, opportunities to exercise spiritual giftedness, loving shepherding and discipleship, and fellowship with those of like precious faith.

We have programs such as: Chosen Generation (Men’s ministry); Well-Balanced Women of God (Women’s Ministry); Fearfully and Wonderfully Made (Girls Ministry); Bible Study; Prayer Line; Ministry Training and more.   Every one of our programs is built around our central theme: “(Our) delight is in the Word of the Lord” (Ps. 1:2).

On behalf of the membership here at FHLCM, we pray you will find your time here edifying, glorifying to God, and maybe a bit challenging. We would love to have you visit us in person!  If not, you may worship with us on Facebook at [email protected], or complete the Prayer Request form.  We stand ready to minister to you in any way we can.
