Eligibility Guidelines

Faith Hope and Love Church Use

Welcome to Faith Hope and Love Christian Ministries! Thank you for considering using our church facilities for the location of your event.

The mission of FHLCM is to glorify God and to further the work of His church in advancing His kingdom in this world. We seek to use our church facilities in such ways that honor our commitment to His purpose, and to lay out the practical application of these principles by our church. The building will not be used for any activity which is contrary to the teaching of the Bible or the Constitution of FHLCM.

We receive a wide variety of requests for the use of our facilities and seek to accommodate requests from those we believe also seek to glorify God, while balancing the needs among all users of our facilities. You may download our Building Use Application.

We seek to maximize the use of FHLCM facilities for:

  • Ministry events directly or indirectly supporting the mission and vision of FHLCM.
  • Community events sponsored by FHLCM, FHLCM members, and affiliates.
  • Weddings and memorial services for FHLCM members and affiliates.
  • Time permitting, weddings and memorial services for individuals not associated with FHLCM.
  • Time permitting, events not associated with FHLCM (weddings and memorial services).

Establishing Your Eligibility

To determine whether your event is eligible to use facilities, please contact the church at 661-471-8006 or via our website at https://faithhopeandlovechristianministries.org.   

We can host up to 60 people in our sanctuary which can be converted to a fellowship hall.   If you are planning a small to medium wedding or funeral, we would like to host your event at our church facility.  The cost for the event will vary, depending on what your needs are.  Please complete the Event Registration Form below and someone will contact you.  Note: Events are not finalized until the appropriate paperwork is completed and the contract signed by all parties.  Final head count and payment in full must be made 72 hours prior to the scheduled event.  Faith Hope and Love is a smoke and alcohol-free facility.  

Faith Hope and Love Christian Ministries does not make the following charges as a means of raising funds, but rather to cover the cost of utilities and personnel services.  In order to receive the reduced price, you must be a member in good standing.

  • WEDDING REHEARSAL (Sanctuary)   Member: $0,   Non-Member: $200
  • WEDDING CEREMONY (Sanctuary)   Member: $200,   Non-Member: $400
  • MARRIAGE COUNSELING (Pastor) Member: $200,   Non-Member: $400
  • FUNERAL (Sanctuary)   Member: $200,   Non-Member: $300
  • SOUND OR VIDEO TECHNICIAN (all events)  Member/Non-Member Responsibility

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